
Austin Powder Plant in Argentina ©Austin Powder

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Austin Powder Plant in Argentina ©Austin Powder

6th August 2024

Market Survey for Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emissions Monitoring Technology Supply at Austin Powder Argentina (El Galpón, Province of Salta)

Under the NACAG initiative, Austin Powder Argentina’s Petrochemical Division invites interested parties to participate in a market study. This study aims to assess the conditions for potentially supplying Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emissions monitoring technology to the nitric acid production plant at the Austin Powder Argentina S.A. Petrochemical Complex in El Galpón, Salta, Argentina.

Argentina signed the Statement of Undertaking in May 2021, committing to permanently reduce N2O emissions from nitric acid production. Since then, NACAG has provided technical support to Austin Powder, for example by preparing a technical feasibility assessment for the installation of N2O emission reduction technologies at the nitric acid plant.

Following the recent signing of the Grant Agreement, NACAG will provide financial support to Austin Powder for both the acquisition of tertiary nitrous oxide (N2O) abatement technology as well as monitoring technology.

The market study of monitoring technology is the initial step to subsequently move forward with the bidding process for this technology.

Austin Powder is the only entity responsible for this market survey and any subsequent tender. Interested suppliers can access the announcement via the provided link:

For any questions or concerns, please direct your inquiries to:

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