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28th March 2019

NACAG aligns its time horizon with NDC cycle

The Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (NACAG) is extending its timeline in order to be in line with the succession of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
The goal of NACAG is for countries to include the nitric acid industry in their NDCs and adopt suitable policies to ensure the permanent abatement of N2O emissions. In the framework of the Paris Agreement, the first global stock take will take place in 2023. Subsequently, countries will need to revise their NDCs and, wherever possible, increase the ambition of their climate goals.
NACAG is now adapting its time horizon as well as the Statement of Undertaking to this international framework. Partner countries are now expected to commit to having effective policies in place by December 31, 2023. These policies must ensure the long-term reduction of nitrous oxide emissions from nitric acid factories. Introducing these policies lays the ground for partner countries to include the sector in their revised NDC to be submitted in 2024/25.

These changes are consolidating NACAG’s embeddedness within the framework of the Paris Agreement, making it simpler for countries to take action and to integrate their efforts in reducing industrial N2O emissions into their overall contribution to the global fight against climate change.

Given these modifications, the NACAG Secretariat is confident to attract even more partner countries and in doing so come closer to attaining its vision of a global transformation of the nitric acid industry.

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