On the podium (L-R) Luca Brusa, David Hynes, Ovais Sarmad and Piotr Dombrowicki. @UNFCCC
At the twentieth meeting of the global CDM Designated National Authorities (DNA) Forum in June, the NACAG Secretariat gave a presentation on the initiative’s offer and current status. The NACAG input was given during a session on instruments for enhanced ambition of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. The session discussed how developed…
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In May, the NACAG Secretariat visited Kazakhstan to conduct a technical feasibility study at Kazakhstan’s only nitric acid production facility in Aktau. In addition, a technical meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Energy, KazAzot, Zhasyl Damu and the Secretariat took place in Nur-Sultan. The participants reviewed the preliminary results of the technical analysis, discussed…
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The World Bank will conduct a workshop on the Nitric Acid Climate Auctions Program (NACAP) at the Innovate4Climate (I4C) conference in Singapore next month. The workshop will explore innovative mechanisms to abate GHG emissions, in particular nitrous oxide (N2O) from nitric acid production. N2O is a byproduct of nitric acid production with a GWP of…
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In March 2019, the Government of Zimbabwe has formally joined the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group by signing the initiative’s Declaration and Statement of Undertaking on ministerial level. This step follows a workshop held in December 2018 in Harare and a visit by the NACAG Secretariat at Zimbabwe’s nitric acid production plant operated by Sable…
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In cooperation with the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) and the National Association of Chemical Industries (ANIQ), the NACAG Secretariat in Mexico executed a workshop with representatives of the nitric acid sector. The event sought to commence a public-private dialogue on policy mechanisms for the regulation of nitrous oxide emissions. All participants expressed…
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The Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (NACAG) is extending its timeline in order to be in line with the succession of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The goal of NACAG is for countries to include the nitric acid industry in their NDCs and adopt suitable policies to ensure the permanent abatement of N2O emissions. In the…
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In bilateral discussions with the state concern Turkmenhimiya and the Ministry for Agriculture and Environmental Protection in March 2019, the NACAG Secretariat presented the NACAG and explained what it has to offer for Turkmenistan. The discussions were held in a friendly and fruitful atmosphere and both sides expressed interest in further cooperation. The meeting participants…
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In March, the NACAG Secretariat visited Kazakhstan to hold a technical meeting with the Ministry of Energy and the joint-stock company Zhasyl Damu to discuss NACAG and potential benefits for the Central Asian country resulting from joining NACAG. The discussions took place in a highly productive atmosphere and resulted in an agreement to continue cooperating…
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THURSDAY MARCH 7, 2019 9:00 – 10:30 EST /// 15:00 – 16:30 CET You are cordially invited to join our online webinar on March 7 to learn more about the Nitric Acid Climate Auctions Program (NACAP), a program hosted by the World Bank that will provide financing to projects that abate nitrous oxide from nitric acid production…
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The Government of Indonesia has signed the NACAG Declaration, becoming the latest country to join the climate action group. Mr. Dwiwahjono, Director General at the Indonesian Ministry of Industry, has signed the Declaration in January 2019, thereby affirming Indonesia’s support for NACAG’s goals. The NACAG Secretariat will now provide both the Indonesian Government and the…
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In August 2018, Argentina formally joined the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group by signing the initiative’s Declaration. Against this background, in December 2018 the NACAG Secretariat visited all three nitric acid production facilities located in Argentina. Accompanied by a representative of the Sustainable Development Unit of the Ministry of Production, the NACAG Secretariat conducted a…
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One of the two Financing Streams of NACAG is the Nitric Acid Climate Auctions Program (NACAP), implemented by the World Bank. The NACAP Secretariat is hosting a webinar on the program on January 24, 2019, at 9 am EST (3 pm CET). During the webinar, the NACAP Secretariat will provide an overview of the auction…
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