
18th December 2019

The NACAG Secretariat welcomes Cuba as new NACAG Member Country

The Deputy Minister of the Cuban Ministry for Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), Mr. José Fidel Santana Núnez, signed the NACAG Declaration on 3 December 2019. With this signature, Cuba becomes the 3rdLatin American country joining NACAG. Thereby, Cuba declares its support of NACAG’s main goal of substantially reducing nitrous oxide emissions from the production…

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18th December 2019

Thailand signs NACAG Declaration

Thailand has become the newest member country of the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group. On 11 December 2019, at COP25 in Madrid, the Thai Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment signed the Declaration of NACAG. At the event with the German Minister of the Environment, Svenja Schulze, Mr. Varawut Silpa-archa thereby declared Thailand’s support…

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13th December 2019

Side Event on Nitrous Oxide Abatement at COP25

At COP25, a side event on tools for innovative finance for nitrous oxide abatement was held at the IETA Pavilion. At the event, representatives of the Ministry of Climate Change of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (MoCC), the World Bank, the German Environment Ministry (BMU) and GIZ discussed climate auctions as a tool to facilitate…

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4th December 2019

NACAG changes eligibility criteria for Grant Programme

With a view to transforming global nitric acid production, NACAG is assisting nitric acid companies by means of a grant programme. The Secretariat is happy to announce that the eligibility of nitric acid plants for participation in the grant programme has been extended with immediate effect. The change concerns nitric acid plants which had previously…

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2nd December 2019

NACAG Side Event at COP25

The NACAG Secretariat is pleased to announce that a side event on the initiative will take place at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid. The event titled “Innovative Finance for Nitrous Oxide Abatement” is taking place on Friday, December 6 from 12:00 to 13:30 at the IETA Pavilion. It will highlight the…

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24th October 2019

NACAG Secretariat and World Bank Visit Stakeholders in Pakistan

During a five-day visit to Islamabad and Lahore, representatives of the NACAG Secretariat and the World Bank discussed the potential participation of Pakistan in the NACAG with a variety of stakeholders. Consultations with several relevant ministries were held in a fruitful atmosphere. Furthermore, in a half-day workshop with representatives of the industry and several research…

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7th October 2019

Feasibility Study in Indonesia

In September 2019 the NACAG Secretariat carried out a feasibility study concerning the implementation of N2O abatement technology in Indonesia. Together with the Indonesian Ministry of Industry the NACAG Secretariat visited the nitric acid plants of PT Multi Nitrotama Kimia  (PT MNK) and PT Black Bear Resources Indonesia (PT BBRI). The objective was to establish…

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7th October 2019

Viet Nam joins NACAG

The NACAG Secretariat is happy to announce that Viet Nam has become the latest member of the NACAG. Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, Director of VINACHEMIA, a subordinate agency of the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry, has signed the NACAG Declaration. Thereby, Viet Nam has joined the NACAG and is declaring that it support the goals of…

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27th September 2019

NACAG Secretariat Conducts Technical Assessments in Mexico

In September 2019, the NACAG Secretariat visited two nitric acid production facilities in Mexico. The visits intended to complete a first assessment of potential options for the installation of N2O abatement technologies in the plants. After having gathered the required data, the NACAG Secretariat will now develop a feasibility report for the companies, detailing the…

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17th September 2019

NACAG Secretariat visits Peru

In September 2019, the NACAG Secretariat, in cooperation with the Peruvian Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) and the Ministry of Environment (MINAM), presented the initiative to private sector representatives and discussed the associated opportunities for the national nitric acid sector. A fruitful exchange took place regarding potential mechanisms to incentivize the use of N2O abatement technology…

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12th September 2019

NACAG Secretariat visits MICCO Nitric Acid Plant in Thai Binh, Vietnam

In August 2019, a Technical Advisor from the NACAG Secretariat together with Jörg Ruger, the First Secretary on Environment from the German Embassy in Hanoi, visited the nitric acid production line of MICCO in Thai Binh, a nitric acid-ammonium nitrate producer under theVietnam National Coal Mineral Industries Group (VINACOMIN). The main goal of the visit…

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9th August 2019

NACAP: Eligibility of Carbon Credits Extended

The auction parameters for the Nitric Acid Climate Auctions Program (NACAP) have been updated in order to provide even more incentives for nitric acid plant operators and project developers to take part in the program. The eligibility for emission reductions has been extended substantially, so that all Carbon Credits generated between January 1st 2018 and…

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