
Delivering Results-Based Funding through Crediting Mechanisms

Results-based funding, linking payments to the achievement of pre-defined results, is increasingly used in climate finance. While providing strong incentives for the achievement of results, recipients also face higher risks and transaction costs, and must have access to upfront capital. This study investigates risk-based approaches, focusing on safeguards issues that are most relevant for different actors in results-based funding project design.
Lambert Schneider (Associate to Stockholm Environment Institute)
Randall Spalding-Fecher (Carbon Limits)
Martin Cames (Öko-Institut)
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Options for continuing GHG abatement from CDM and JI industrial gas projects

With market prices of carbon credits having dropped dramatically, the development of new CDM projects has largely stopped and some already registered projects are not implemented, leaving the mitigation potential of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions largely unexploited, although such projects offer large potential at very low cost. This study describes ways to achieve the continuation of N2O mitigation projects on an international scale.
Lambert Schneider (Consultant)
Martin Cames (Öko-Institut)
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Analyzing status quo of CDM Projects

Analyzing a large sample of CDM projects, this study addresses the current status of individual projects worldwide in relation to the decline in carbon credit prices, as well as the barriers and means for supporting the continuation of these projects. The results demonstrate a strong need for the continuation of mitigation activities under the CDM and highlight areas where such support may have the greatest impact, including N2O projects.
Carsten Warnecke
Thomas Day
Noémie Klein
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Policy Options for Achieving Long-Term Abatement of N2O Emission from Nitric Acid Production

This study elaborates a conceptual basis for NACAG’s policy advice to host governments.
Urs Brodmann (First Climate)
Nikolaus Wohlgemuth (First Climate)
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