Political partners and interested countries

Why join NACAG?

During the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (COP28), countries committed to pursuing efforts to achieve global net-zero emissions by mid-century and to keep global warming well below 2 Celsius. To this end, countries must significantly lower their emissions and increase their climate ambitions, commitments which signatory countries must communicate in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The NDC mechanism requires countries to outline their plans for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to submit these plans every five years. Each subsequent NDC is expected to be more ambitious than the previous one, creating a „ratchet mechanism“ that drives continuous progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement.

State of cooperation

Argentina, Colombia, Georgia, Jordan, Mexico, Peru, Pakistan, Tunisia, Uzbekistan, and Zimbabwe have committed to take further political measures to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitric acid production. Thailand has committed to regulate N2O emissions from caprolactam production.

Nitrous oxide abatement from nitric acid production

Reducing N2O emissions from nitric acid and caprolactam production through effective catalytic N2O abatement technologies is considered low hanging fruit, as these emissions can be reduced in a technically feasible and cost-effective way compared to other GHG abatement options. Technical abatement costs range from €0.50 to €5.00/tCO2eq, depending on the employed abatement technology and technical plant characteristics. Providing technical and financial support to partner countries, NACAG helps partner countries to overcome initial structural and investment barriers. By helping partner countries to overcome initial structural and investment barriers, NACAG provides technical and financial support to partner countries.

NACAG’s support

NACAG provides technical support to all interested countries, advising them on the technical possibilities of nitrous oxide emissions reduction and political options to secure long-term abatement. ODA countries that have committed to take political measures to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitric acid and caprolactam production by signing the Statement of Undertaking are eligible for financial support. At all stages of cooperation, NACAG advises partner countries on technical and political matters including assistance in developing the policy options most suitable to regulate the sectors in each country. Simultaneously, NACAG works closely with nitric acid and caprolactam producers to secure long-term N2O emissions reduction.